Good For Nothing Quotes

1. “I may be good for nothing in your eyes, but I am capable of so much more than you can imagine.”

2. “Don’t let anyone define your worth. You may feel like you’re good for nothing now, but you have the potential to accomplish great things.”

3. “Nobody is good for nothing. We all have unique talents and abilities that can make a difference in the world.”

4. “You may feel inadequate, but remember that you have the power to prove yourself wrong. Believe in your potential.”

5. “Never underestimate yourself just because others may view you as good for nothing. Your worth cannot be determined by others.”

6. “Your value is not determined by what you can or cannot do. You are inherently deserving of love, appreciation, and self-worth.”

7. “It’s okay to feel lost or unmotivated at times, but remember that you are not defined by your current circumstances. You have the ability to grow and evolve.”

8. “You may think you’re good for nothing, but remember that even the greatest accomplishments start with small steps. Every effort counts.”

9. “Instead of dwelling on self-doubt, focus on discovering your passion and purpose.

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